Ari N.'s review of AJ Novick Group

AJ Novick Group

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EDFIN Cash for College, LLC
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/17/2014
. 1
. 0
Owner review
This review is being written by the owner. We have been providing in person anger management and parenting classes since 2003 and 2006, respectively, and wide variety of online programs since 2005. We take great pride in our customer service and the quality
of our programs. While some people take our classes for personal or occupations reasons, others may take them for court or legal requirements. Our online classes are widely used and accepted; however, since we often don't always know the specifics about a
particular students legal situation, we strongly recommend getting prior approval to take the class online prior to enrolling. While many courts and probation will allow online classes, others will not, and some will require prior approval. Getting prior approval
helps ensure the program will meet your specific requirements. We can provide progress reports, enrollment information and any other documentation that is needed or required by the court or legal entity upon request. If you are concerned an online program
will not meet your needs, we highly recommend that you take the class in person instead. If the following steps are taken and there is still an acceptance issue (which is highly unlikely), please contact our office for a refund of your course fee. If you are
located in southern California and can attend one of our in person classes, please feel free to contact our office for more information. You can also contact our office for any general questions regarding our online programs. Our office also provides individual
counseling services and executive coaching.
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Hours   Phone   (949) 715-2694 Address   333 Third Street Suite 4
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Website Email
Contact   Ari Novick, PH.D. Other  
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