Elvis I.'s review of Acer America Corporation

Acer America Corporation

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/13/2010
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Review 10/13/2010
I completely agree with what "Sheal M." said about the company, I've had the same issue ( stuck pixels ), but with a monitor and alot of others online have had the same problem. But my complaints is more towards the companies misrepresentation of their warranty, which I'll explain in detail: Purchased an Acer Monitor on 4/8/2009 from newegg.com. Around Dec of 2009, I noticed a couple of vertical lines show up on my monitor on and off or a couple of months and slowly go worse. I contacted Acer through their website and put in a request order, and they replied with guidelines on how to shipping the monitor, and if not done correctly, it would not be covered under warranty. I called UPS, FEDEX, and DHL and all three using the guidelines Acer provided, would cost me around $70, so ended up not shipping it because it was almost half the cost of what I originally paid for the monitor. Couple of months passed, I hoped the vertical line would not get worse but it did. So I called Acer, asking them to pay for shipping since the price was too high for shipping their defective product. After talking to several people, even at corporate "Richard badge# 25324" and his direct line is 254-298-4402, he said that they can not do anything about the shipping, because they shipping policy does not cover shipping to the company, they only ship back to the customer as a courtesy. I asked Richard, then why was this not on their website anywhere stating that they do not cover shipping because I was under the impression that shipping would be covered, since most manufactures do cover shipping ( both ways ). He said "I don't know". This played a big part in me buying the monitor, if I had know ahead of time, that they do not cover shipping, I would of purchased from a different manufacture that does. I checked newegg for reviews, and it seemed that I was not the only one having this issue. link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=24-009-163&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&PurchaseMark=&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&Page=2#scrollFullInfo Needless to say, I did not ship the monitor because of the reasoning about, and I truly feel that they misrepresent their warranty and do not have a clear policy online, so customer can check before purchasing. Note: they said they warranty information is shipped with the monitor, but that still does not do any good because the product was already purchased online and if I wanted to return it because of it, I would have to pay for shipping again. I just do not understand why they do not have their warranty online.
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San Jose, CA 95110
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