Natalie K.'s review of Apple Computer

Apple Computer

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My Garage Door Repairman - Plano, TX
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/15/2010
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Review 6/15/2010
I have been a faithful purchaser of Apple products for a number of years now, but I am going to be making a switch with my next electronics purchase.

I purchased an IMac in December (so just 6 months ago)-- with some limited add ons, the total cost was over $2000. For this, I have had to deal with non-stop technical issues. Within a few weeks, my bluetooth keyboard was not working, necessitating service calls and a repair (free, but still a pain and required me to take a half day off work). Next, my mouse went dead. Another round of service calls and a half day off work to take it in to the Apple "genius" bar to be looked at... in addition to the days of lost work time because I didn't have a functioning mouse. Less than two weeks after that debacle, my keyboard is dead again-- or rather, it has 'dead zones' as the customer service rep on the phone called it. Again, another few days spent without a working computer and a trip to the Apple store to get it fixed. So in just six months, I have had to have this $2000 computer repaired no less than three times.

I purchased a very cheap Acer computer from Walmart for my kids around the same time-- something to keep their hands off my expensive Apple. This computer cost me less than $300. I have never had a problem with it. Go figure.

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