Peggy K.'s review of Smart Living Company

Smart Living Company

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 11/29/2010
. 2
. 0
Review 11/29/2010
I've had my SMC eCommerce Website since April of this year and I am very disappointed. I was told that I would NOT need to go to an outside source to get my site visible online. I had one customer in April which thrilled me...and that's where it ended. I was having 50-200 visits to my site almost every day when I was told it had been indexed with the search engines. I then replaced my Featured Page with a Flash Doorway Page followed by my Home Page, as it was supposedly alright to do so once it had been indexed. My store now has an average of only 14 visits per day. NO SALES SINCE APRIL! I do 'offline' advertising when I can afford the low cost advertising material. I don't expect to have the money needed for the high cost 'online' advertising anytime soon, and this area is way over my head, so my store will remain a HOBBY until I can get things turned around, maybe this summer,lol. I don't want to cancel the site because I still have hopes that something will turn up to help me make it a profitable business. I also tried to sell at flea-markets over the last few years with NO PROFIT made. Everyone needs a hobby, Right? Good luck to those who want to try SMC.
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